Infertility refers to one's inability to conceive after one year of regular, unprotected intercourse. When a couple has regular menstrual cycles, no known semen issues and no history of painful periods, the likelihood of conception is generally high. However, for women under 35 who have experienced a history of period pain, particularly dysmenorrhoea, it’s essential to consider how this pain may impact fertility. Here, the best infertility doctor in Kolkata has shared some insights in this aspect.

How can period pain hinder one’s fertility?

Dysmenorrhoea refers to severe menstrual pain that occurs before or during a period. This condition must not be overlooked, as it can be a sign of underlying issues like endometriosis. Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the endometrial lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus, often affecting the fallopian tubes, pelvic side walls and other pelvic organs.

Endometriosis can be influenced by genetic predisposition, meaning a family history of the condition can increase the risk. As the endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus, the trapped blood can cause significant pain and form cysts, commonly known as chocolate cysts, due to their dark, old blood content. Below, a doctor specializing in infertility treatment in Kolkata explains how these cysts and the associated inflammation can lead to complications, including:

  1. Cysts: Endometriomas or ovarian cysts filled with old blood can affect ovarian function.

  1. Old blood, chocolate cysts: These cysts can lead to inflammation and adhesions, compromising the ovarian reserve.

  1. Fallopian tube blockage: Scar tissue and adhesions can block the fallopian tubes. 

  1. Frozen pelvis: Extensive scar tissue can cause pelvic organs to stick together, severely impacting reproductive function.

All these complications can deplete ovarian egg count and decrease egg quality, thereby reducing fertility. Endometriosis can make it harder for the egg to be released and fertilized and even if fertilization occurs, it can impede the embryo’s implantation and growth.


Therefore, painful periods, especially if they are severe and recurrent, should be assessed thoroughly if there is difficulty conceiving. It’s crucial to consult with the best infertility doctor in Kolkata and give a detailed history of menstrual pain and conduct appropriate investigations to diagnose and manage conditions like endometriosis. Early diagnosis and treatment can help eliminate the impact on fertility and improve the chances of conception.