Why should women get a quadruple marker test done during pregnancy?

A quadruple marker test is a blood test that determines if the fetus is at an increased risk of genetic disorders like Down’s Syndrome.

Why should women get a quadruple marker test done during pregnancy?

If you are in the second trimester of your pregnancy between 15-21 weeks, the quadruple marker test will be among the many other tests that should be recommended by your doctor. Get to know more about the quadruple marker test below.

What is the quadruple marker test?

A quadruple marker test helps measure the following four substances in the mother’s body.

  • Unconjugated estriol (uE3)

  • Inhibin-A

  • Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)

  • Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

AFP refers to a hormone produced by the developing foetus, while inhibin-A, uE3, and hCG are hormones produced by the placenta.

Why is the quadruple marker test recommended?

Elevated markers of the aforementioned hormones in the quadruple marker test indicate the foetus’ risk of developing the following conditions. 

  • Down Syndrome or Trisomy 21: It is characterized as a hormonal disorder that causes several kinds of developmental delays, health problems, and lifelong intellectual disabilities in those affected.

  • Edward’s Syndrome or Trisomy 18: It refers to a chromosomal disorder that leads to the development of abnormalities or slower growth of the body. There is no treatment for this condition, and it usually turns fatal prior to birth or within the first year of the baby’s life.

  • Spina Bifida: This anomaly occurs when the spinal cord of the foetus fails to close or develop properly in the womb. In a few cases, this can cause significant paralysis of the lower extremities and, in particular situations, learning difficulties. 

  • Abdominal Wall Defects: These are some birth defects that occur in the abdominal wall of the foetus and often involve the intestines or the other abdominal organs that protrude from the belly button.

In case of a positive result from a quad screen test, your doctor will recommend additional tests like Amniocentesis and Targeted Detailed ultrasound in pregnancy ( anomaly scan ).

If you are worried about your unborn baby’s health, reach out to a doctor to determine if you need to undergo a quadruple marker test.

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