Infertility is a growing concern in today’s world, with age playing a significant role in the challenges many face when trying to conceive. In the past, women often became pregnant between the ages of 25 and 30, a period considered optimal for fertility. However, times have changed, and now, many women are waiting until their 30s or even 40s to start families, resulting in increased difficulty conceiving. This delay can cause considerable anxiety and stress, as the process of trying to become pregnant often extends over a significant period, says a leading doctor from the best infertility solution clinic in Kolkata

Pregnancy at 39: Factors to consider

If you are 39 and you and your husband are trying to conceive, there are several important factors to consider. While many women at this age can achieve a normal pregnancy and have a healthy baby, certain conditions need to be met for the best chances of success.

  1. Firstly, it's essential that your uterus and fallopian tubes are in good health. These reproductive organs must be functioning properly to facilitate conception. 

  1. Additionally, the quality and quantity of your eggs play a significant role, as women age, the number and quality of eggs naturally decline. 

  1. Your partner’s semen quality and quantity  should be optimal.

  1. Regularity of periods and its nature (Degree of pain)

  1. Regularity of intercourse

Generally, if these conditions are favourable, the likelihood of conception within a year is around 85% for women of all ages, particularly for young women. However, this percentage decreases with age. As you get older, the decline in egg quality and quantity is a natural process. 

Conditions that can arise with increased age 

As women age, certain conditions can arise that may affect fertility, as per the doctors of the best infertility solution clinic in Kolkata

  1. Uterine Tumours or Fibroids: Most uterine fibroids are non-cancerous and often asymptomatic. However, some women may experience symptoms such as severe pain, heavy bleeding, a dragging effect or a feeling of heaviness. Larger fibroids, or those growing inside the uterus, or affecting the uterine cavity can potentially delay conception, especially as age advances.

  1. Endometriosis: This condition can impact egg quality and the uterine wall (muscle), leading to severe menstrual pain and potential fertility issues.

If you are 38-39 years old, and trying to conceive, also if you have regular periods and maintain regular intercourse, you can try for 3-6 months. If conception does not occur within this timeframe, consulting a doctor is advisable.

Recommended investigations for increased age

For women of advanced age trying to conceive, certain basic investigations are recommended:

  1. Blood Pressure

  2. Blood Sugar

  3. Cholesterol

Additionally, it’s important to evaluate the regularity and nature of your menstrual cycle. A basic ultrasound can help identify any tumours or issues within the uterus.

If these factors are normal, women aged 38-39 can try to conceive over a period of 4-6 months. However, if you have any abnormalities in these tests or existing medical conditions like diabetes or hypertension, it is essential to seek timely consultation with an infertility specialist. 

Risk Factors for Older Pregnant Women:

  1. Genetic Disorders: Advanced maternal age increases the risk of chromosomal abnormalities such as Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21 and other aneuploidies). This condition, detectable through prenatal screening within the first 3-4 months of pregnancy, can lead to developmental and intellectual challenges. Babies with Down Syndrome may have a range of abilities and require special support, often affecting their education and work capabilities. These children are usually very loving and their life expectancy can be up to 30-40 years. But, they cannot lead a normal life. 

  1. Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar Imbalances: Uncontrolled hypertension and diabetes must be managed before pregnancy, as some medications are not safe during pregnancy. Optimisation of these conditions is vital for a healthy pregnancy.

  1. Fetal Congenital Abnormalities: Advanced age raises the risk of congenital abnormalities. Regular monitoring through Anomaly Scans and Fetal Echocardiography within the first 4-6 months of pregnancy is recommended to assess the baby’s development and structure.

  1. Preterm Labour: Older women face a higher risk of preterm labour, including early contractions, premature rupture of membranes and early delivery.

Due to these factors, pregnancies in older women are classified as high-risk. Extra caution, thorough investigations and careful management of risk factors are essential to ensure a healthy pregnancy and outcome.

With advancements in science, it is possible to achieve and manage a normal pregnancy successfully, even at an older age. To know more about how you can achieve a healthy pregnancy at 39, reach out to the doctors of the best infertility solution clinic in Kolkata